Title | : | One Heir...Or Two? |
Author | : | Yuki Fujine & Yvonne Lindsay |
Release | : | 2020-03-20 |
Kind | : | ebook |
Genre | : | Josei Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga |
Size | : | 49850377 |
Kayla gave birth as a surrogate to her dead sister’s child and is raising her alone. When Kayla’s nanny makes off with all her money, she’s left alone and broke. She decides to pay a visit to her childhood friend Van to ask for help. He’s the man she once had a passionate one-night affair with. When she finds out he has a fiancée, she leaves in a hurry without saying why she came, so Van follows her home to see what she wants. Van walks in on a burglar threatening hers and the baby’s lives. Once they are safe, he has a proposal: “You and the baby come live with me for six months…” |