The Reluctant Heir

The Reluctant Heir

Title: The Reluctant Heir
Author: Yuki Fujine & HelenKay Dimon
Release: 2022-07-12
Kind: ebook
Genre: Romance Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga
Size: 41378960
One day, Carter Jameson came to visit Hanna, who lived in New York City as a cleaning lady. He was the heir of a wealthy family that ran a huge corporation and Hannah's first love from her youth, and although he was as charming as ever after ten years, she wanted nothing to do with the Jameson family. Six months ago, her sister, who was pregnant with Carter's child, died in an accident after being abandoned. When Hannah didn't accept the check his father gave her for hush money, Carter just comes to give her the envelope his father left for her!

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