

Title: Aftermath
Author: Craig Calhoun & Georgi Derluguian
Release: 2011-05-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Social Science, Books, Nonfiction
Size: 9637453
The global financial crisis showed deep problems with mainstream economic predictions, as well as the vulnerability of the world's richest countries and the enormous potential of some poorer ones. China, India, Brazil, and other counties are growing faster than Europe or America and have weathered the crisis better. Is their growth due to following conventional economic guidelines or to strong state leadership and sometimes protectionism? These issues are basic to the question of which countries will grow in comind decades, as well as the likely conflicts over global trade policy, currency standards, and economic cooperation.

Contributors include: Ha-Joon Chang, Piotr Dutkiewicz, Alexis Habiyaremye, James K. Galbraith, Grzegorz Gorzelak, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Manuel Montes, Vladimir Popov, Felice Noelle Rodriguez, Dani Rodrik, Saskia Sassen, Luc Soete, and R. Bin Wong.

Aftermath is the third part of a trilogy comprised of the first three books in the Possible Future series.

Volume 1: Business as Usual
Volume 2: The Deepening Crisis
Volume 3: Aftermath

The three volumes are linked by a common introduction and can be purchased individually or as a set.

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