The Deepening Crisis

The Deepening Crisis

Title: The Deepening Crisis
Author: Craig Calhoun & Georgi Derluguian
Release: 2011-05-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Sociology, Books, Nonfiction, Social Science
Size: 7609937
Response to financial meltdown is entangled with basic challenges to global governance. Environment, global security and ethnicity and nationalism are all global issues today. Focusing on the political and social dimensions of the crisis, contributors examine changes in relationships between the world’s richer and poorer countries, efforts to strengthen global institutions, and difficulties facing states trying to create stability for their citizens.

Contributors include: Immanuel Wallerstein, David Harvey, Saskia Sassen, James Kenneth Galbraith, Manuel Castells, Nancy Fraser, Rogers Brubaker, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Vadim Volkov, Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly Silver, and Fernando Coronil.

The three volumes can purchased individually or as a set.

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