The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.3

The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.3

Title: The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.3
Author: Stephen Charnock, Jonathan Edwards, Gerald Mick, Thomas Watson, Christopher Love & Christopher Ness
Release: 2012-10-06
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books
Size: 502607
"The Digital Puritan" is a quarterly reader of helpful Puritan works. Each article is carefully edited and formatted to maximize readability. This edition contains the following: 1. The Preciousness of Time - Jonathan Edwards. In which being mindful of the brevity of this life makes us live life to the fullest. 2. A Description of True Blessedness - Christopher Love. Why faithful hearing and keeping of the Word of God is an essential element of saving faith. 3. Of Wisdom and Innocency - Thomas Watson. Christ teaches that we are to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matt. 10:16). 4. The Removal of the Gospel - Stephen Charnock. God's most severe and final judgment upon a land is the removal of the gospel from it. 5. The Crown and Glory of a Christian - Christopher Ness. The essential elements of conversion and the pursuit of a God-honouring life. Includes over 500 Scripture references (in the ESV) and helpful notes hyperlinked to the articles. No internet connection is required.

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