The Existence and Attributes of God Vol. 1

The Existence and Attributes of God Vol. 1

Title: The Existence and Attributes of God Vol. 1
Author: Stephen Charnock
Release: 2023-11-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: General Nonfiction for Young Adults, Books, Young Adult
Size: 2615109
&quotThe Existence and Attributes of God" is a significant theological book written in the 17th century by Stephen Charnock, a Puritan preacher and theologian. This edition of &quotThe Existence and Attributes of God Vol. 1" is both current and legible, with an eye-catching new cover and professionally typeset manuscript. Some stories are gruesome and bizarre, while others softly creep up on you and pull you in. This massive dissertation is divided into two parts, with each volume delving into essential aspects of God's nature and qualities. In the first volume, Charnock conducts a thorough analysis of God's existence. To establish the existence of an all-powerful, everlasting, and transcendent Creator, he digs into philosophical arguments, historical viewpoints, and scripture allusions. The thorough examination of Charnock addresses problems about the origin of the universe and the requirement of a divine person. Throughout the book, Charnock's language is distinguished by a great reverence for God and a commitment to logical religion investigation. He provides theological arguments in a systematic and logical manner that is understandable to both intellectuals and laypeople.

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