The Digital Puritan - Vol.III, No.2

The Digital Puritan - Vol.III, No.2

Title: The Digital Puritan - Vol.III, No.2
Author: Gerald Mick, Matthew Henry, William Perkins, Increase Mather, Andrew Gray, Ralph Robinson & Michael Wigglesworth
Release: 2013-06-08
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books
Size: 428363
A quarterly digest of select Puritan works. The text has been sparingly modernized to improve each work's clarity, while retaining its original character. This edition contains the following articles: 1. A Faithful Man Described and Rewarded - Increase Mather. From Rev. 2:10 ("Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life"). 2. Spiritual Contentment - Andrew Gray. True satisfaction can only come from intimate communion with God. Phil. 4:11 ("I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content"). 3. Christ, the Fountain Opened for Penitent Sinners - Ralph Robinson. Explores the rich metaphor of Christ as a fountain (Zech. 13:1). 4. How to Die Well - William Perkins. An excerpt from "A Salve for a Sick Man" which teaches the Christian how to prepare himself for death. 5. The Pleasantness of a Religious Life - Matthew Henry. The first chapter of the larger work of the same name. 6. The Puritans in Verse: A Short Discourse on Eternity (Wigglesworth).

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