The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.4

The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.4

Title: The Digital Puritan - Vol.II, No.4
Author: Thomas Boston, David Clarkson, Samuel Annesley, John Milward, George Whitefield & Samuel Crossman
Release: 2012-12-13
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books
Size: 714355
"The Digital Puritan" is a digest of helpful Puritan works. This edition contains the following articles: 1. Pray for Everything - David Clarkson. Clarkson shows how by praying, our weakness is made to draw upon his omnipotence. 2. How May We Attain to Love God With All Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds? - Samuel Annesley. Based on Matthew 22:37-38, this sermon introduced the Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. 3. How Ought We to Love Our Neighbours as Ourselves? - John Milward. One of only two sermons from this Puritan pastor that survived the passage of time. 4. How the Word is to be Read and Heard - Thomas Boston. A sermon on Luke 8:18, "Take heed therefore how ye hear." 5. A Penitent Heart, the Best New Year's Gift - George Whitefield. A passionate and compelling plea for all to come to new birth in Christ. 6. The Puritans in Verse: "My Song is Love Unknown" by Samuel Crossman. Includes over 500 ESV Scripture references and end-notes hyperlinked to the articles (no internet connection needed).

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