Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 183 - Christ the Mediator

Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 183 - Christ the Mediator

Title: Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 183 - Christ the Mediator
Author: Thomas Boston, William Whitaker, Thomas Watson, Charles H. Spurgeon & John Gill
Release: 2015-01-31
Kind: ebook
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Books, Christianity
Size: 193146
Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. God is infinite and holy. Man is merely a creature, and a rebellious, sinful creature. What can bring God and man together--the one Mediator Jesus Christ. The office of Christ as Mediator is essential to our salvation as well as to our peace and spiritual comfort. Enjoy these articles on the subject: Christ the Mediator of the New Covenant, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686). Of Christ the Mediator, from the London Confession of 1689. Of Christ's Offices in General, by Thomas Boston (1676-1732). The Mediator of the Covenant Described in His Person, Nature, and Offices, by William Witaker (1548-1595). A Mediator, by C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892). The Fulness of the Mediator, by John Gill (1697-1771).

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